

般若淨宗學院介紹 About Prajna Pureland Buddhist College

學院宗旨College Objectives
Three flawless teachings be the practice;
Prolonging the life of the Buddhadharma be the responsibility;
Propagating the Dharma and benefiting sentient beings be the domestic duties;
Rebirth in the Pure Land be the goal. 

 關於學院 About College
教育方針 Guiding Principle for Education
In accordance with [the rules] laid down by the Buddha, a bhikshunis should study the Vinaya for six years, and it is the basis of the instructional plan. The Vinaya is the foundation, samantha-vipasyana is the auxiliary, wisdom is the guidance and Pure Land is the ultimate home.
With the foundation of Vinaya study, the Buddhadharma and meditation can be cultivated together as the comprehension and practice being carried out simultaneously.

培育課程 Curriculum of Cultivation
1.品德 2.戒律 3.教理 4.行門 (念佛) 5.僧眾事,護法安僧,弘化利生。
1.moral character 2.Vinaya 3.doctrines 4.practice (recitation of the Buddha’s name) 5.sangha-affair (Guarding the Dharma and securing the Sangha; propagating [the Buddhadharma] and benefiting sentient beings).
With the ideal that education being carried out within the monastery and the monastery being a place for education, the students are required to participate in the monastic affairs as a way to cultivate comprehension [of the Buddhadharma] and to carry out the practice simultaneously.
Participate in the monastic affairs such as the prayers of the five times, posadha, boundary determination, rains retreat, precept transmission and seven-day Amitabha recitation retreat.

College structure also includes other positions such as office clerk, counselor, treasurer and maintenance technician. With good organizational planning, each performs its functions to foster talented sanghas who are to propagate the Dharma and benefit the sentient beings.

經云: 「有人事佛,當求明師,得了了者,從受戒法,為除諸想,與經相應,精進奉行,不失其教。」
It is said in the sutra: “A devoted Buddhist practitioner should seek for a wise teacher who fully understands the Buddhadharma, and receive the precepts from him. To eradicate illusions and impure thoughts, and to correspond with the teachings, one must practice diligently and accordingly. [With such an effort, he] would not deviate from the teachings.”

寺內活動 Monastic Activities
初一點燈 Lighting the Candles on 1st of the Lunar Month
佛七 Seven-Day Amitabha Recitation Retreat
內部浴佛 Ceremony of Bathing the Buddha for monastic residents
放生 Life-Release
七月地藏法會 Ksitigarbha Dharma Service in July of the Lunar Calendar
八十八佛 Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Ceremony
念佛共修 Amitabha Recitation
小眾出坡 Monastic Chores for the Novices

招生對象 Admission
出家眾:年滿16至50歲 Sangha: Age 16-50
在家眾:年滿16至45歲 Laywoman: Age 16-45
比丘尼、式叉摩那、沙彌尼 、女眾居士,
Bhikshuni, siksamana, sramanerika and laywoman who has true faith in the Triple Gems, a healthy body and mind are welcome to apply. Entrance program will be assigned depending on applicant’s educational level and previous learning in the Vinaya.

 學制分部 Classes
預修部: 道心與僧格之陶練
Preliminary Program: trainings in bodhicitta and monastic characters.
初級部: 戒律與經教基礎性全面修學
Beginner’s Program: practice and study on the basis of the Vinaya and doctrines.
中級部: 戒學或經教重點深入
Intermediate Program: going deep into the study of the Vinaya and doctrines.
高級部: 專長培育與教育訓練
Advanced Program: training in personal and educational skills.

 課程內容 Curriculum
戒律: 南山三大部、止作二持、菩薩戒等。
Vinaya: The Nanshan Canon, Prohibitive and Prescriptive Precepts, and Bodhisattva Precetps, etc.
經教: 唯識學、淨土學、天台教觀等。
Doctrines: Consciousness-Only Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism and Tien Tai Buddhism.
其他: 梵唄、行政、資訊、行腳、體能訓練。
Others: Buddhist hymns, administration, information management, wandering on foot and physical training.

 師資陣容 Venerable Teachers
戒律 Vinaya
果清律師 Vinaya Master Guo Qing
Current Position: Abbot of Zheng Jue Temple and Yuan Tong Temple
Vinaya master Guo Qing focuses his study and practice on Vinaya and Pure Land Buddhism, and has practiced pratyutpanna samadhi several times. He is a respected Vinaya master in Taiwan who observes strict precepts and keeps dignified manners.

天因法師 Venerable Bhikshu Tien Yin
Current Position: Assistant Abbot of Zheng Jue Temple
Observance of the Precepts and recitation of the Buddha’s name are the objectives of Venerable Bhikshu Tien Yin’s practice, and his ways to help himself and benefit others. He also studies doctrines and treatises, and helps to establish the Sangha in accordance with the Dharma. Observance of the pure precepts be the cause and rebirth in Pure Land be the outcome. This is the one undivided method of his practice.

本因法師 Venerable Bhikshu Ben Yin
Current Position: Assistant Abbot of Nan Pu Tuo Temple and Dean of Fa Yun Buddhist College, Fa Yun Monastery U.S.
Venerable Bhikshu Ben Yin has profound and masterly study in Vinaya, and practices both dhyana-contemplation and Pure Land Buddhism. He assisted in editing The Compilation of Vinaya Tripitaka and edited Questions and Answers on Vinaya.

紹安和尚尼 Upadhyayika Shao An
Current Position: Abbess of Yi De Temple
和尚尼以《無量壽經》引領大眾 ,發菩提心,導歸淨土。
Upadhyayika gives lectures on Longer Sukhavativyuha Sutra as a way to lead the assembly, in hoping everyone’s bodhicitta can arise, and Pure Land could be their ultimate home.

宗立阿闍黎 Acarya Zong Li
Current Position: Director of Student Affairs (Yi De Temple)
Acarya Zong Li focuses her study on The Listed Records of the Precepts in Various Forms (Jie Xiang Biao Ji). She is enthusiastic in propagating the Precept Dharma, so other than in Taiwan, she has given lectures on the Dharma in Hong Kong, Singapore, China and Malaysia.

They give guidance to the novices in the cultivation of sangha characters. In addition to that, they give lectures on The Essentials of the Shramanera Vinaya and Rules of Deportment and Siksamana rules.

淨土Pure Land Buddhism
淨界法師 Venerable Bhikshu Jing Jie
Current Position: Academic Affairs Supervisor, Institute for Buddhist Studies of Jing-Liu Monastery
Venerable Bhikshu Jing Jie focuses Tien Tai Buddhism as his practical studies, and at the same time, he also does studies on practices of Consciousness-Only, Madhyamaka and Pure Land Buddhism. His doctrinal research is mainly on Chinese traditional Buddhism, and regards sangha education as his responsibility.

本明法師 Venerable Bhikshu Ben Ming
Current Position: Lecturer, Institute for Buddhist Studies of Jing-Liu Monaster
Venerable Bhikshu Ben Ming takes lessons on doctrinal studies from Venerable Bhikshu Jing Jie, and also does extensive studies on the Vinaya, Consciousness-Only and Tien Tai Buddhism. Propagating the Buddhadharma and cultivating Pure Land Buddhism are his ways to accomplish his great bodhi vow.

道徹法師 Venerable Bhikshuni Dao Che
Current Position: Lecturer of Prajna Pure Land Buddhist College
Venerable Bhikshuni Dao Che graduated from Prajna Pure Land Buddhist College. After her graduation, she has given lectures on An Introduction to Buddhadharma and Amitabha Sutra to the students.

唯識 Consciousness-Only Buddhism
修因法師 Venerable Bhikshu Xiu Yin
Current Position: Assistant Abbot, Institute for Buddhist Studies of Jing-Liu Monastery
Venerable Bhikshu Xiu Yin gives lectures on doctrines in Institute for Buddhist Studies of Jing-Liu Monastery, and he dabbles in Pure Land Buddhism, the Vinaya, Consciousness-Only Buddhism, Tien Tai Buddhism and Confucianism. He regards propagating and maintaining the true Dharma, and prolonging the life of the Buddhadharma as his responsibilities.

誠因法師 Venerable Bhishu Cheng Yin
Current Position: Assistant Abbot, Institute for Buddhist Studies of Jing-Liu Monastery
Venerable Bhikshu Cheng Yin’s practical study is mainly based on Nashan Vinaya. Mahayana doctrines and treatises are his secondary studies, along with the practice on Pure Land Buddhism. He regards uplifting sangha education, giving lectures on the Vinaya and propagating the Buddhadharma as his responsibilities.

天台 Tien Tai Buddhism
法藏法師 Venerable Bhikshu Fa Cang
Current Position: Dean of Sangha Educational Institute and Trustee of Wan Fo Temple, Nan Xi
以住持道場及僧伽教育為己任,並以教學天台、行尊律儀、住依僧團、修歸淨土,為住持道場、自利利他之宗旨。經常受邀至國內外演講 、領眾薰修法華三昧。
Venerable Bhikshu Fa Cang regards managing the temple and educating the sanghas as his responsibilities. Teaching Tien Tai Buddhism, observing the precepts and the rules of deportment, dwelling in the Sangha and practicing Pure Land Buddhism are his objectives in managing the temple, and benefiting himself and others. He is often invited to give speeches in Taiwan and overseas, and give guidance in the practice of saddharma pundarika samadhi.